Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Goodbye my Florida...

from this.......
to this!

Florida was awesome and now that I'm back in the cold I realize how awesome it really was even more. I'm going to put some pictures on my blog later. In conclusion though it's good to be home.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey guys I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the family time and fun. Oh and if you are having a Ham this Thanksgiving be thankful for it! I get to have pre-made chicken, hey it's pretty good though. Love you all, I am thankful for all of you guys.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Waking up in another world

This morning I woke up at about 7 ,am about thirty minutes ago. Normally I can sleep in a lot longer, but i couldn't because there was this shinging light in my eyes. I got up and looked outside to see a beautiful sunrise. Here are some pictures of the scenery around the condo.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Plane Ride...

So I did it!I rode a plane! I did not crash and I'm not in heaven yet. The day started off with Fred dropping us off at the airport. Oh happy Day! We went into the airport and checked our luggage in, so far so good. Then I got to go through a big machine that checked my pockets for anything suspicious that I did not have, thank the lord! After about two and a half hours of waiting we boarded the plane, and about thirty minutes after that the plane stared to "Taxi" everything was going fine and dandy until the speakers came on telling everyone to buckle there seat belts and we would be leaving shortly. It was like the dragster waiting there, and then unexpectidelythe plane took off super fast. I had mixed emotions i was grabbing onto my dad, laughing and crying at the same time. I didn't seem to notice the 300 some people staring at me for how freacky I was being. I was terrified. After that fun experience of going up I got to experience the turbulence, not to mention the ride on the way down. By the end of the plane ride I loved it though, it was actually fun besides my nervous breakdowns it was a pretty amazing experience!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Riding in a plane

Lately I have been thinking about how soon I will be riding in a plane. If you don't know already my family and I are going to Florida this Monday. The only other time I have ridden one was when I was a baby, and I obviously don't remember it. To add to this I have never really enjoyed being in an airport. It's quite scary to me. But if you minus all of that, I'm sort of excited, I guess it will be fun. I'll just have to wait and see...

Another Victory for the Buckeyes...

What seemed to be a good game in the first quarter Michigan led 3-zip. Sadly I knew that it was not going to stay that way for a very long time at all. Ohio came out on top again with the score ending sad. My team is the Wolverines and this was a depressing moment in my life when the buckeyes raced off the field with thier victory. Hopefully next year the Wolverines "will be tired of getting dirt kicked in thier face," I know I am.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Embrace the Change

Change is a really hard thing to go through sometimes. I honestly don't like the feeling of the replacement, and miss the good times of the change. As Christians, and normal people we go throughout life and experience many changes. On the way to church the other day I was looking at the beautiful trees that aligned the rode. In fall they are so gorgeous and full of color. They don't even match up to how they look in the summer and spring. As I looked at the trees God showed me something: he showed me that change is not always a bad thing. Change is beautiful. It may be painful at first but to know that God had a purpose and plan for the change the moment it happened really gives you peace when you go through it. I agree that change is hard but at some point you just have to embrace it. It's hard at first but God will give you the strength, and maybe even show you the good that comes out of it. So the next time that you look at the tall Orange, and yellow trees in your yard, or wherever else just know, change is beautiful. Embrace the Change that God has given you.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Speaking the Unspoken: as a Christian

You might be wondering why my blog is called Speaking the Unspoken, if your not I am going to tell you anyways... This world is looking, searching and wanting something more. Many people claim to love God but really have no clue who he really is, and and what he can do. As Christians we need to speak up and show the world Jesus' Love and how much he cares for every single person on this Earth. In some places God is never brought up. Places like work, school, you know normal places. Step up... You be the change and be the one to Speak the Unspoken..

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Jumping on the Band Wagon

Hey all you fellow bloggers... today my Dad has finally let me start a blog! I will be updating it from time to time. I am glad to join the "blogging world" I have a lot to say so be prepared to listen as I "speak the unspoken." Make any comments that you would like.