Sunday, January 27, 2008


the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.

Humility is not thinking to highly of yourself.
Humility is child likeness.
Humility is gentleness.
Humility is willingness to confess sin.
Humility is not having to prove yourself.
Humility allows us to take advice.
- extreme answers

Humility is a wonderful thing to have. As a leader sometimes it's so hard to be humble. We have human nature that makes us think that we are always the ones who are in the right, when really we are blind to see that wrong is what we have dragged ourselves into. To be humble we need to be willing, and that is only the start. We need to be willing to listen, to step down for the moment, to be gentle. Some times it is so hard to have these certain qualities. As a leader we like to be on top, to take the stand, and to share our advice with others. If we did not like those things we would not be leaders. When we are humble we will be blessed, and so will others.

Philippians 2:5-11
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

~To the Ends of the Earth~

Saturday a bunch of youth group kids and leaders went to H.E.H to help out for a day called Saturday Service! I also went, we had an amazing time there helping and hanging out as we worked. The task I was assigned to with many others was sorting labeled patato cans to non-labeled patato cans, it was a task I was willig to take! As I sorted the cans and looked around the warehouse I realized that the 2 hours spent there sorting would bless so many people around the world. H.EH has already blessed and helped many people. I love that we can help people around the world and country right where we live. There are so many people hurting, and need food, love and HOPE that H.E.H can give. My prayer that day was this: "God use me to help others everyday in my life. Not just in the United States but to the ends of the Earth!" I hope that this is everyone elses prayer too. I know that it's quite a big thing to fullfill but honestly just the little things we do like helping at H.E.H will be blessed and may go to the ends of the Earth!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

~Ice Skating~

Saturday night I went Ice Skating! It was my first time ever on the ice. Ever since I was little I have watched the amazing ice skaters do jumps and tricks on the ice and act like there is nothing to it. When the movie "Ice Princess" came out my dream became even bigger, I wanted to try to ice skate... well I did! I fell four times but it was a lot of fun. After I got a little bit used to it I went faster around the rink, it felt like I was flying it was amazing. I may never be as good as Michelle Quan or anything on the ice, but checked off another thing that I've wanted to do in my life! Ice Skating check! I love it and I would definitely do it again in a heartbeat.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

~My Comforter~

Do you ever feel like you need comforted? Like life is just throwing you way to many curve balls to keep up with? I know I have. Comfort is usually found from friends, and family but still we tend to need more than that. Why not turn to God? He's your refuge. Know that in times of need you can always:

stand on him,

turn to him,

cry with him,

laugh with him,

talk with him,

frown with him,

feel pain with him.

He is our rock and our redeemer and I will always choose to lean on him at times where I really need his comforting hand to guide my life. Life's defiantly not a piece of cake but I know that Jesus will always be my comforter!

Monday, January 7, 2008

~Cold to Humid? What?~

Today at the bus stop (6:55 a.m.) I realized it was warm outside. Therefore I did not wear my winter coat, instead I wore a jacket. When I got to school I realized that wearing my jacket might have been a mistake, I was so Hot! Just think everyone, January and it's 50 degrees outside? What? I guess no snow days for a while, I hope you all are enjoying the nice breeze, dark clouds, and 40 degree weather!