Thursday, April 24, 2008

We just got a new camera and I was super camera happy and took some pics I thought I would share!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tomorrow night the Winklers are coming to visit us! It should be a lot of fun!

These are some pictures of being in Florida with them!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Most of this day my Mom and I worked on cleaning my room from top to bottom. We did anything you could possibly imagine to make something clean. Throughout the day I realized how dirty my room really was. I always made it look clean by shoving numerous things in different drawers, and in my closet. But really it was a mess you couldn't see. I mean no one asks to look in my closet so why not put all my clutter in there? We tend to do this sometimes. You know hiding that sin you may have, the one that is so easily covered up that no one notices it's even there. You may look like your this perfect person when really you have some pretty ugly things hiding in the closet of your heart. We need to realize that God does go in the closet, he See's all the dirty, dusty sins. God knows our weaknesses and he wants to help us over come them. God will do spring cleaning on your heart and all you have to do is let him. Right now I am on my bed writing this in a clean room and it feels great to have a clean room, I know that it feels great to have your heart clean too. What's in your heart's closet today? Ask Jesus to give you a Spring Heart Cleaning and trust me you'll feel great!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Volleyball. What a great sport. Right now I am playing on a Community Ed volleyball which is fun. Tonight I served the ball it went over the net and a hit a girl right on the head. It was like the ball was magnetized to this poor girls head. I yelled out "I am Sooo Sorry," to the girl. I got yelled at by my coaches because I said this. They told me that I was not aloud to say sorry, that I didn't have to and at least the ball went over the net. I laughed at this. Well Volleyball should be a lot of fun I can't wait for the rest of the season.