Sunday, March 23, 2008

Jesus is better than the Easter Bunny

But I do love Candy!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ducky Slippers!!!

If you are wondering why I named this post Ducky Slippers, it's because I have a pair! A little bit like the ones in the picture. Now some of you may not think that these slippers look comfortable. But Ohh you are wrong! I love my ducky slippers they warm and comfort my feet all at the same time! WONDERFUL! Now you also may be wondering how I got these wonderful things. It all started when my Mom said "lets go to Good Will," I did not want to go, especially because we went to the Good Will in Lambertville, I mean you never know whose clothes you may buy and walk out of the store with. So anyways I ended up going into the Good Will and emedientally started looking around at all the clothes. Then I went back to where the shoes wear. ( you never know what you may be able to find ) And then I saw THEM!! They were as yellow as a lemon and very new looking. I went right to the ducky slippers that sat on that shelf. I begged my Mom if I could get the wonderful things ( even though they were a little to small for my feet ) for only three bucks. In the end I went home with a nice pair of ducky slippers, and was very proud of my find. And now here I am sitting in my living room chair with my ducky slippers on my feet writing about them.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring Break is Coming Soon!!

I am so excited for Spring Break! I am really happy I can sleep in for once in a great while! YES SLEEP!!!!! Just one more day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Better Late than Never!

This morning I got up at 6a.m. and was pumped for the regular school day. I was excited that I was going to get to learn things that I would probably totally forget about by the end of the day! Not really. Honestly this morning I was super tired and did not want to get up. I walked like a sloth around my house until 6:50 (note: my bus comes at 6:55) I lost track of time talking to my parent and trying to wake up, then I saw out of the corner of my eye a big yellow bus in front of my house rolling to a stop. I jumped up and yelled " I Have to GO!!!!!" I ran out the door without my coat which had been half on and tried to get my bus drivers attention! The door s of the bus were shut but that did not stop me. I waved my arms in the air yelling "Can I get On" I was screaming hoping that I would get a ride to school. Finally the abnormally happy bus driver let me on. I say this because my bus driver is always so happy at 6:45 in the morning! She greets every single person on the bus with a big happy "Good Morning!" When she let me on the nice warm bus her attitude was not the same. She was mad at me for holding her route up. I said I was sorry but she still had a grim look on her face while I sat down. I could see that all the awake kids were laughing at me (I mean who wouldn't laugh at an uncoordinated coat less 8th grader running through the snow?) I sat in my bus seat next to Chelsea who continued to make fun of me. So yeah at least I got on the bus, no matter what people thought it was truly a funny experience that I will never forget!